Thursday, November 18, 2010

Why was hunting a favorite game for men?

Man Killing Lion
         Men liked hunting because it was a big game. Egyptian men liked to kill lions and it became a symbol of kingship. They also killed hippos, which are huge! They killed the hippos in the nearby river and also in nearby marshes. Hunting huge animals made them feel  like it was a fun sport to do.

Why were the Children's Toys so different than today?

Different Children Games
        The children's toys weren't as different as they were today because we still play with balls and use push and pull toys. Children in Egypt played with spinning tops. The balls that they played in Ancient Egypt were made out of clay I'm sure that hurt is they didn't catch it!In our world they are made out of latex, plastic and rubber. Some of the pull toys they used in the old days of Ancient Egypt were the horse and a little wooden cat that is pulled by string. Today, there are quite a bit of different kinds of pull toys in our wild stores of ours. Other toys Egyptian children played with was rattles, tops and miniature weapons.

How long ago was it when the children played with the Little Wooden Cat?

The Cat Toy
        Egyptian children usually played with a toy called the Little Wooden Cat over 3,000 years ago. The toy has only a couple moving parts. The first one is the cat has a movable jaw; it is one of the several surviving figures with moving parts. Some moving parts include a wag-able tail. As you can see this must have been a fun entertainment for the little children.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

For Egyptian Children what did they play with?

Playing the game Balls

Different kid toys like the horse
       There were many different toys that the Egyptians played with back then. Some of them are still around today. Children today have pull toys, they play with balls, they play with little dolls and lastly they had figurine characters. Now about Egypt toys. The most popular games was called Balls. There were different ways by playing the game which was; just standing, jumping high in the air, or even piggy back. This game was popular especially by girls. Others kids liked to play soldiers, holding hands in a dance game, tug of war and leap frog. There are many different toys and games that the children of Egyptian played with.

Do you know what some of the popular board games adults liked to play?

The game Senet
         Egyptians played many different games.  Adults liked to dance, play board games called Senet, Snake and a few others. That doesn't even compare to how many we have today all over the world! The game Senet was mainly played by wealthy adults but anyone could play. It represented the evil and the good spirits. They also played by throwing sticks or knuckle bones to move their pieces up and down the board. How vicious! Senet was played very often by the adults of Ancient Egypt.